Welcome to my portfolio and thank you for stopping by.
I'm Olya Gary, I'm a senior web and graphic designer at Stanford School of Medicine, Lane Medical Library.
And... I'm also a UNICORN! In a role of a solo designer for the entire medical library and Stanford Medical History Center, the visual aspect is just a portion of what I do, a tip of a unicorn horn. I love the challenges my work presents, and it's reflected in a number of recognitions I've earned throughout the years.
My works have won numerous awards and recognitions. 
2017 - My conceptual design and development of a "BEE Map", a sensation in the medical education world, was presented at the AAMC (American Association of Medical Colleges) as exemplar for how to convey complex and potentially boring information literacy concept to the medical students. It was picked up as template by several medical colleges in the US and Canada
2017 - The same year I was named a "Supervisor of the Year" by the Cristo Rey High School High School Work Study Program during our year long participation in it. I managed and mentored two of the school students.
2010 - "Best Poster in Great Ideas for Teaching" for a poster “Team 2.0: A Collaborative On-line Method for Knowledge Management in Academic Medicine”; WGEA (Western Group on Educational Affairs)  Regional Meeting
2008 - “Digital Library of the Week” for design and production of  “Not a Cough in a Carload” online exhibit, American Library Association
2006 - “One-time Promotional Materials” 2nd place for a Library Centennial Brochure, MLA (Medical Libraries Association) conference
2004 - "Print of Excellence Gold Award" for design and art direction of a brochure for an architectural firm "CIVITAF", Printing Industries of Northern California
2001 - “Seamless integration of two brands” honorary mention for designing a co-branded promotional web page for the Symantec and Microsoft software bundle, Symantec
I'm also a freelance photo and videographer and my works has won numerous awards.
2019 - 6 prints selected for a "Noir" exhibit, Pacific Art League, Palo Alto in April
2017 - San Mateo County Fair 2017: two 1st places, one 2nd place, one 3rd place, and five Honorable mention awards
2017 - International Juried Exhibition at the Center for Photographic Art (online and printed catalog)
2017 - Multiple photos exhibited in California and Oregon fine art galleries
2015 - Several photos published in Stanford Continuing Studies catalog
2012 - National Geographic Travel Contest, Editor’s Picks of the Week                      
2008 - National Association for Photoshop Professionals, Editor’s Choice for landscape photo
I also spend  time giving back to the community — creating logos, print materials, designing and maintaining thewebsites, and taking on photographic projects. I'm currently working on refreshing a website for Richard Dischler group workshop. I photographed, recorded and helped build promotional slideshows and video interviews for a number of San Francisco theater groups and music bands. For a number of seasons, I have been photographing youth hockey teams.
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