Problems identified from the users and internal staff feedback:
• The library specialty portals are the collections of the static links, with very few visual elements and no explanation of the the portals purposes
• They also lack the details of the resources (such as publishers, links to the full text, and a clearer link to bookmark a resource)
• The current left navigation (presented on other page types), liaison 'business cards', and a list of top resources are presented in the same color scheme thus causing elements to be confused with each other
•No responsive design solution
Work in progress:
• Visual modifications of the medical specialty portal to enhance the look
• Option for displaying more resources details
• Better visual distinction between unrelated elements (such as left nav which appears on the different page types)
• I support the content experts by providing them Google Analytics statistics and analysis and helping them to access the content
• Preparation for a responsive design

Phase I (visual enhancement) - LIVE
Phase II includes the detailed layouts with more info for each resource
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