As always, it started with the users of the medical library and as much feedback as we could gather via Google Analytics and informal interviews. The stakeholders have been setting up the goals and identifying the key members.
Next, we held a brainstorming session to identify the pain points and to see what we can, should and should not do.
The first step was to simplify the access to provide fewer options upfront. We decided we would do the sorting of the questions for the users on our end, so they don't have to (almost don't have to) think. 
We  removed the CONTACT button on the right edge of the browser as the users feedback was that it's hard to find, and replaced it with a single "Ask Us" button in the utility bar. 
We also removed an option to opt in for Usability studies, as it wasn't used at all (based on Google Analytics) yet it was an extra form element.
The suggestion for purchase will be parsed out when we finalize an improved user path and the visual design.
Parallel to the user path and visual improvement, we are currently analyzing the type of "Ask us" questions to see if there are other underlining problems that we should be addressing in the interface and user flows.
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